Wednesday, January 4, 2012

what is google adwords?

Google adwords is an advertising service which is released by google. You can register your website or promotes your product page to be shown in the search results page and in all networks which are cooperate with google.

This view form is in text ads or image ads that will be displayed according to the keyword that we searched in the searching machine or in all google networks which one theme with the keywords we target.

In the search page, the ads that we have registered form google adwords usually displayed in the top of searching page or in the right but still in the top of searching page. On the other hand, the ads are also displayed in the website or blog which is installed google adsense code. And in some place again that have cooperate with google team.

Google adwords service is a paid service. So you will pay every click when some one clicks your ads. So people called it with pay per click service or cost per click. 

The other benefits if we have google adwords account is we know what is the most expensive adwords keywords or the highest cost per click for our blog if we have google adsense in our blog. If we know the price for every keyword, we can choose a theme or a topic with the highest cost per click.

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