Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to set of the Bidvertiser Advertisement

1.       Login to Bidvertiser as a publisher with a username and password.
2.       On the Manage tab of Bidvertisers, select Add new Bidvertiser.
3.       There are two options to choose from, the first "Add new BidVertiser under an existing domain" and the second "Add new BidVertiser under a new domain", use these options as needed.
4.       Add new BidVertiser under an existing domain "if you will place your adv or URL Bidvertiser on the same blog (which has been previously registered on Bidvertiser), give it name to facilitate the adv or adv tracking differentiate later, and then click Finish. In the example I gave the name of Link Right successful because the ads will be placed on the right sidebar.
5.       Add new BidVertiser under a new domain ", if you will place your ad on Bidvertiser new URL or domain. Bidvertiser Content Title, I myself gave the name of Link Up Success for me will be put on the blog Header. Naming the title is certainly up to you.
6.       Write a blog URL / website, Select the language used on the blog, select the category and sub category that match your blog content then click Finish. Fish that appear to be in accordance with the category and sub category is chosen, but as a cautionary note, Bidvertiser going to ban a blog that turned out wrong choice category.
7.       Determine which ad title will be customized such as ads or ads in the first row in the second row and so on then the click the Choose Template to select an appropriate adv
8.       Select the appropriate template size ad (Bannres, Skyscrapers, Rectangles, Buttons, Free Design). In the example I chose the Free Design.
9.       Click Customize Colors to set the font size and color then click Update.
10.   Mark the radio Button in ad templates were then click Update again.
11.   Click Get Code to get the ad code from Bidvertiser, then copy and paste the code in your blog sidebar for example. Click Close.
12.   Done.
 So the URL is loaded on the column of the primary domain is the domain or sub domain of your blog's not Blogspot domain (http://www.blogspot.com) example: http://www.freeinfoforever100.com or http:// freeinfoforever100.blogspot. com. The second text box is the name of the title for the ad to be placed on the blog in question and not a sub domain or another URL.

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